Zespół Pieśni i Tańca "San Paolo" z Sycylii
Zespół "San Paolo" został założony w mieście Licata na Sycylii, w 1994 roku przez grupkę entuzjastów sycylijskiego folkloru. Tworzą go młodzi ludzie posiadający już spore doświadczenie w dziedzinie międzynarodowego folkloru. Ich współpraca zaowocowała bogatym programem na światowym poziomie. Grupa czerpie doświadczenia z licznych wymian kulturowych z krajami europejskimi i pozaeuropejskimi. "San Paolo" promuje piękno i bogactwo kultury Sycylii zarówno w kraju i poza nim. Repertuar grupy zawiera tańce i pieśni opowiadające o niemalże wszystkich aspektach życia: pracy rolników, rybaków, rozczarowaniach i miłości. Spektakularność występów potęguje sycylijski temperament oraz angażowanie publiczności w program. Repertuar "San Paolo" ukazuje kulturę i tradycję Sycylijczyków w możliwie najwierniejszy sposób.
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The folkloric group of music and popular dance "San Paolo" born to Licata (a laughing town placed on the sea in the south extreme of Sicily, to few kilometers from Agrigento it cradles international of the folklore) in 1994 for wish of a group of young lovers of the Sicilian folklore. The group even if of recent constitution boasts in its inside one fed team of young people with decennial experience in the field of the international folklore, accumulated with the share to a considerable number of demonstrations of world level, and he anchors the experience of the members of the group it derives from the cultural exchanges with other groups of varied European and e program. San Paolo promotes, both in national field and in that international, the popular traditions and the enormous wealth of the Sicilian culture.
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The group represents in every dance and song foreshortenings of daily life: the farmers' job, of the fishermen, conquests and disappointments of love typical of the Sicilian life of last century, and it boasts a vast repertoire of music and popular dances and, it is countersigned for the great ability to involve the public with exhibitions of elevated spectacular level, and vivacious Sicilian temperament certainly engraves to the traditional dances a strength and a strong dynamic impact without equal.
The repertoire of San Paolo has been defined, from who has admired it, ample and articulated, in degree to represent the culture and the traditions of the Sicilian people in the possible most real way. In his own show the group, also exalting the collective job, prove to put in evidence the virtuosities of every single element (both it ballet dancer or musician).
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The show, has enriched besides from the use of the choreographic material, consistent in job utensils that in past they were used by our ancestors in the carrying out of the daily offices.